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Location: Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, July 07, 2006

Wow! We are so blessed...

Today, we finally got a vehicle!!! For those of you who don't know, we were in a wreck in September 2005 and totaled our car. Since then we have borrowed cars! First, we borrowed a car from the incredible assistant/youth pastor in Indiana (our dear friend, Pastor Steve) until Tim's wonderful parents let us use their car which we still presently have. It has been such an awesome blessing to see how God has worked. We stand in awe truly. We knew we would need to get a car soon- and God worked it all out to give us this Honda CR-V. Tim has been eyeing this vehicle ever since we moved down here... we didn't think we would be able to get it until August (when we have 2 pay checks coming in), but Tim wanted to go over and talk to the guys at the dealer (again) just to see what they had to say about the car and see how much we could talk them down. Well, we talked and did more talking etc etc and they gave it to us with no payment until the end of August! Because it was a little more than what we wanted to pay because there was a little more miles on it than we wanted, they gave us a bunch of vouchers for oil changes, and $500 worth of services including tires, etc - plus a free tank and a half of gas- on top of the warranty the car already has. We came home and were so excited that we just couldn't sit still. After Tim went to work, I sat down and prayed, thanking God for the gift and asking Him to make confirm it again for us that we made the right decision. Within 15-20 minutes, the dealer called me back and asked me to come over and sign all the papers again because he worked some figures and got us a better deal!(tim has to go back tomorrow morning to sign) Too awesome! Wow! So, we were able to have it a lot sooner than what we thought.... which is nice b/c we have some traveling coming up. We thought for sure that it was beyond our imagination to actually have THIS vehicle. Tim did a lot of research on the CRV-- it's quite the vehicle! We wanted an economical SUV so bad (for many reasons); but anyway, we are so grateful, and can't stop talking about how much we LOVE it! We are rejoicing in God! ANOTHER HALLELUJAH!
It's been nice to have a car too while Tim is gone. I got to go to the post office and grocery shopping and some errands-- wow it was so nice, and I didn't have to be rushed at all. Talk about leisure! :) I am going to feel even more spoiled this week having a vehicle- I won't have to bum rides for everything! I didn't even have to do that in college...I always had my own car! :)
God is always good all the time!


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